
EAS approves Pie Aeronefs SA project

Today is a great day for our company. We are pleased to announce that the EAS (Experimental Aviation of Switzerland) association has approved our UR-1 project. This is a crucial step for us in order to permit the first Swiss all-electric race plane to fly. Their decision makes us naturally proud of our work.

EAS is the prestigious Swiss association that offers support and help to every project in the experimental aviation field. They work with the FOCA (Federal Office of Civil Aviation) and are in charge of the supervision of the construction and the maintenance of self-built planes. The EAS association is actually managing the development of more than 130 aircrafts.

With this good news, we can move forward in our project and get closer to our goals. The EAS approval implies that very soon, we will have access to the precious support of specialists who are able to guarantee the quality of our project giving us some important advice and recommendations if needed.

This important move forward represents a huge step for our project and the continuation of our journey towards the first flight of the only Swiss all-electric race aircraft.

Letter in German confirming the approval of the UR-1 project by EAS (Project Acceptance Type 1)