Monthly Review - September 2023
With some delay, the usual appointment with our newsletter is finally arrived. September was a demanding month, in which we faced new issues with the fuselage of our first prototype, the racing plane UR-1, and we worked a lot on our second prototype, the UG-2.
If every issue can teach you something, we are surely learning a lot from our fuselage manufacturing and designing procedures. Indeed, our engineering team was deeply involved in solving an issue in a bulkhead at the rear part of the fuselage where the V-Tail is placed. So, we had to re-manufacture the bulkhead again, but now we are moving forward with the assembly. Therefore, as we expect from a cutting-edge project, we are truly learning a lot from our first prototype.
In the meantime, our workshop and our engineering team have worked hard on improving an aerodynamic testing tool to analyse and predict the UG-2 behaviour. However, this is not the only news we have about our second prototype. Indeed, part of our engineering team have started the project of the transparent fiberglass canopy, while the others are designing and studying the arrangement of the avionics in the aircraft. In particular, the team is planning in the best possible way their placement with respect of their weight and size. Generally speaking, the feasibility study and analyses of UG-2 are progressing rapidly.
As promised in the latest newsletter, we are glad to communicate you that we have sustained the Mobyfly project as expert in carbon fiber and composite material manufacturing process. So, we are proud to show you some photos of our collaboration and we invite you to visit their website to find out more about their interesting project.
In conclusion, we have taken part in Electrifly-In event and, as it happens every year since its launch, we came back at our headquarters full of enthusiasm and even more motivated in carrying out our projects.